The Ostrich that the trickster made dance so he could steal fire for the San. Constructed of rooikrans and stainless steel. Height 2.8m.
Bone and shell mosaic for De Hoop nature reserve 4m x 2.25m
Erik the Eland for !Khwa tuu San Center.
Erik says, "the grass is not always greener on the other side".
Paper, Wire and fiberglass
Replica of engraved dolerite from Lydenburg, for exhibit at the 2023 Venice architectural biennale
Bone and shell mosaic, thirty species of animal, 4000cm x 2500cm, in collaboration with Craig Foster for Christopher Henshilwood's archeological 'Origins' exhibition.
Ceramic sculpture for !Kwhattu San center. The Shaman, and The Temptress
The African Penguin and Sea Bird Sanctuary at Kleinbaai is a wonderful example of conservation, (the Dyer Island conservation trust), tourism and business working together to create a world class center for the benefit of sea birds and the environment. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this project.
White cement pigment and plaster mural incorporating recycled glass, beads, perlemoen shell, pebbles 12x 5m.
The Cast Whale project for Gil Shachar
Cape Clawless Otter, ragged tooth shark skull, and 13m southern right whale exhibited at the Two Oceans Aquarium
Ten meter fibreglass whale sculpture, Cuvier whale skeleton, krill, and dolphin skeleton for Cape Nature.